The Mara-Mi 12 Month Notebook Set

mara-mi12 notebookset

While my budget for holiday shopping was thankfully a nice one this year, I didn’t actually pick up too much for myself. Now to be honest, this was largely due to the fact that I’d done a pretty good job of treating myself to the things I wanted throughout the last few months, and not so much because I was “roughing it.” 🙂

But when I saw this colorful 12-month notebook set from Mara-Mi at Target, I of course just had to have it! Aside from being cute and colorful, it’s the perfect gift for the start of a new year. And at just $7,  it was a guilt-free purchase that I actually have a couple of great plans for…I just need to decide on one. 🙂

I think they’d be great as:

  • Gratitude journals
  • Prayer journals
  • Mini-vision journals
  • Love notes to leave to my daughter
  • Basic notes and doodling

mara-mi12 notebookset

I’m leaning more towards using them as  combination gratitude/prayer journals. This way I can look back at the end of the year and see how my prayer life has evolved and which prayers have been answered.  And with them all being together it’s like the perfect mini-library.

I went back to Target on this past week to see if they had another set that I could giveaway, but of course they were all gone. So I’m extra grateful for this set. 🙂

mara-mi12 notebookset